OWL Stat App
An interactive web-application for univariate and multivariate metabolomics data analysis
OWL Stat App is a Shiny-based Web application, accessible independently of the operating system and without the need to install programs locally. It has been implemented entirely in the R language (R v.3.1.1; R Development Core Team, 2011; http://cran.r-project.org). All calculations are performed with caret package to classification training and ROCR package for visualizing classifier performance in R. The pheatmap package is used for drawing heatmaps.
This app combines the R-based analytical tools with metabolite identification and pathway mapping tools, overlaying the users data on the pathway mapping libraries of SMPDB (The Small Molecule Pathway Database) and pathway outputs originally developed in our laboratory.
The analysis and plots in this application can be configured from the Settings tab. Here, you can find a description of the different configuration options:
Groups See Abbreviations.
Volcano Plot The volcano plot can be customized through the following settings. The plot will be recalculated after any change in the Groups selection panel.
- Groups: Check/uncheck the groups you want to show/hide on the Volcano plot.
- Volcano - Range of X-axis: Using the slider bar, you can enter the minimum and maximum value for the X-axis range.
- Volcano - Range of Y-axis: Using the slider bar, you can enter the minimum and maximum value for the Y-axis range.
- Volcano - Dot size: The marker size can be set using this slider bar.
- Volcano - Axis: Other settings for Volcano plot's plotting area are:
- Horizontal and vertical lines: Places a certain number of grid lines on the plot.
- p-value = 0.05: Plots a horizontal dashed red line showing where p-value = 0.05 is.
- p-value = 0.01: Plots a horizontal dashed red line showing where p-value = 0.01 is.
- p-value = 0.001: Plots a horizontal dashed red line showing where p-value = 0.001 is.
- Plain figure: All points are plotted in black dots, showing no distinction between groups.
Transformation The different transformations that can be applied to variables in the different analyses are shown in this combo box field. The default value is y = x. Changing this value, all the plots are recalculated. The values that can be chosen are:
- y = x
- y = x2
- y = x1/2
- y = 1/x
- y = 1/x2
- y = 1/x1/2
- y = log(x+1)
- y = sh(x)
Boxplot (Distribution plot window) Boxplot customization options are:
- Boxplot - Color Groups: This panel allows setting the colors and marker's shapes in which comparison groups are represented in the Boxplot analysis. Two drop down menus will be presented for each comparison group.
- Boxplot - Samples:
- Show sample distribution: This check box controls whether the sample distribution will be shown on the Boxplot. The width of the area in which the distribution is plotted can be changed through the sliding bar below.
Correlation Plot
- Correlation between samples: Different values for the correlation coefficients that can be used in the correlation plot can be selected here.
- pearson
- kendall
- spearman
- Distance: The distance that is used in the correlation plot can be changed in this drop down menu.
- euclidean
- maximum
- manhattan
- minkowski
- Fold-change - Subsample: The value selected in this sliding bar sets the percentage of samples in the subsample of each group.
- Fold-change - Repeat: Sets the number of times the process is repeated.
PCA plot PCA plot settings are the following:
- X component: sets the component plotted in the X axis.
- Y component: sets the component plotted in the Y axis.
- Scale: Scaling is applied to the plot if this option is checked.
- Horizontal and vertical lines: Sets whether grid lines are to be plotted.
- Show code: Selecting this field, sample codes are shown.
Heatmap Samples Heatmap plot (multivariate analysis) settings are:
- Plot width: Plot width can be adjusted with this field.
- Plot height: Plot height can be adjusted with this field.
- Rows clustered: This field sets whether rows in the heatmap are clustered or not.
- Columns clustered: This field sets whether columns in the heatmap are clustered or not.
Heatmap Metabolites
- Plot width: Plot width can be adjusted with this field.
- Plot height: Plot height can be adjusted with this field.
- AA Amino acids
- AC Acylcarnitines
- ArAA Aromatic amino acids
- BA Bile acids
- BCAA Branched chain amino acids
- Cer Ceramides
- ChoE Cholesteryl esters
- CMH Monohexosylceramides
- DAG Diacylglycerols
- FAA Fatty acid amides (Primary Fatty Amides)
- FFA Free fatty acids (Non-esterified fatty acids)
- FFAox Oxidized fatty acids
- FSB Free sphingoid bases
- MAG Monoacylglycerides
- MUFA Monounsaturated fatty acids
- NAE N-acyl ethanolamines
- OPLS Orthogonal partial least-squares to latent structures
- PC Phosphatidylcholines
- PCA Principal Component Analysis
- PE Phosphatidylethanolamines
- PG Phosphatidylglycerols
- PI Phosphatidylinositols
- PUFA Polyunsaturated fatty acids
- SFA Saturated fatty acids
- SM Sphingomyelins
- TAG Triacylglycerols
- UFA Unsaturated fatty acids
- UPLC®-MS Ultra performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry
1st July, 2015 | 11th International Conference of the Metabolomics Society
Poster presented at the 11th International Conference of the Metabolomics Society. San Francisco, California. June 29th 2015 to July 2nd 2015.
8th May, 2015 | Science+
OWL Stat App, the web application for metabolomics data analysis is presented during the Science+ meeting.
OWL metabolomics
OWL, formerly known as OWL GENOMICS, is a biotechnology company founded in 2002 with the mission to contribute to the monitoring and diagnosis of human or animal health. OWL was born upon the knowledge and scientific developments of Dr. Jose Maria Mato, founding partner and Scientific Director of the company.
The activity of the company is centered in the area of health, with pioneering applications in the international scientific panorama, and whose objective is to identify, validate, patent and commercialize diagnostic and/or prognostic systems, as well as therapeutic targets involved in the development of complex diseases.
OWL has developed a comprehensive set of Metabolomics tools, which makes possible the discovery and identification of biomarkers for either research or diagnostics purposes. It is a state of the art technology that combines ultra performance liquid chromatography with mass spectrometry (UPLC-MS), and that allows OWL to offer a novel metabolomics service, with potential clients in hospitals, research centers, and biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries.
Thus, OWL has established a leading position in personalized medicine for liver disease, specifically, non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) and is currently introducing the first in vitro serum based diagnostic for NAFLD and NASH, based on the studies on hepatic diseases carried out by Dr. Mato. The current clinical diagnosis for NASH is based on liver biopsy, an invasive and costly procedure. The company has developed a simple blood test to be used for NASH diagnosis. An early diagnosis seems to be the best way to stop the progression of the disease by changing their life style and monitoring patient evolution.
Besides, OWL has qualified professionals to complete and develop present and future new research lines in a wide range of pathologies, offering a variety of innovative products of excellence.
Since its foundation OWL has obtained full support from its main share holder, Cross Road Biotech, who bring their management skills and biotechnology business knowledge into OWL.
Furthermore, a number of strategic alliances with biotechnology and bioinformatics companies, hospitals, research centers and universities has also enhanced OWL's leading position.
On the other hand the leading position of OWL would not have been possible without an important network of collaborators, for which a number of strategic alliances with biotechnology and bioinformatics companies, hospitals, research centers and universities has been formed.
Barr, Jonathan, J. Caballería, I. Martínez-Arranz, A. Domínguez-Díez, C. Alonso, J. Muntané, M. Pérez-Cormenzana, et al. 2012. Obesity-Dependent Metabolic Signatures Associated with Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Progression. J Proteome Res 11 (4). OWL, Derio, Bizkaia, Spain.: 2521-32. doi:10.1021/pr201223p. http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/pr201223p.
Barr, Jonathan, Mercedes Vázquez-Chantada, Cristina Alonso, Miriam Pérez-Cormenzana, Rebeca Mayo, Asier Galán, Juan Caballería, et al. 2010. Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry-Based Parallel Metabolic Profiling of Human and Mouse Model Serum Reveals Putative Biomarkers Associated with the Progression of Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease. J Proteome Res 9 (9). OWL, Bizkaia Technology Park, 48160-Derio, Bizkaia, Spain.: 4501-12. doi:10.1021/pr1002593. http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/pr1002593.
Martínez-Arranz, Ibon, Rebeca Mayo, Miriam Pérez-Cormenzana, Itziar Mincholé, Lorena Salazar, Cristina Alonso, and José M. Mato. 2015. Enhancing Metabolomics Research Through Data Mining. J Proteomics, doi:10.1016/j.jprot.2015.01.019. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jprot.2015.01.019.
Genz, Alan, and Frank Bretz. 2009. Computation of Multivariate Normal and T Probabilities. Lecture Notes in Statistics. Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag.
Genz, Alan, Frank Bretz, Tetsuhisa Miwa, Xuefei Mi, Friedrich Leisch, Fabian Scheipl, and Torsten Hothorn. 2014. mvtnorm: Multivariate Normal and T Distributions. http://CRAN.R-project.org/package=mvtnorm.
Gesmann, Markus, and Diego de Castillo. 2011. googleVis: Interface Between R and the Google Visualisation API. The R Journal 3 (2): 40-44. http://journal.r-project.org/archive/2011-2/RJournal_2011-2_Gesmann+de~Castillo.pdf.
Jarek, Slawomir. 2012. mvnormtest: Normality Test for Multivariate Variables. http://CRAN.R-project.org/package=mvnormtest.
Mevik, Bjørn-Helge, and Ron Wehrens. 2007. The Pls Package: Principal Component and Partial Least Squares Regression in R. Journal of Statistical Software 18 (2): 1-24. http://www.jstatsoft.org/v18/i02.
Mevik, Bjørn-Helge. 2006. The Pls Package. R News 6 (3): 12-17. http://CRAN.R-project.org/doc/Rnews/.
Mevik, Bjørn-Helge, Ron Wehrens, and Kristian Hovde Liland. 2013. pls: Partial Least Squares and Principal Component Regression. http://CRAN.R-project.org/package=pls.
R Core Team. 2014. R: A Language and Environment for Statistical Computing. Vienna, Austria: R Foundation for Statistical Computing. http://www.R-project.org/.
RStudio Team. 2012. RStudio: Integrated Development Environment for R. Boston, MA: RStudio, Inc. http://www.rstudio.com/.
RStudio, and Inc. 2014. shiny: Web Application Framework for R. http://CRAN.R-project.org/package=shiny.
Xie, Yihui. 2013. Dynamic Documents with R and Knitr. Boca Raton, Florida: Chapman; Hall/CRC. http://yihui.name/knitr/.
knitr: A General-Purpose Package for Dynamic Report Generation in R. http://yihui.name/knitr/.
knitr: A Comprehensive Tool for Reproducible Research in R. In Implementing Reproducible Computational Research, edited by Victoria Stodden, Friedrich Leisch, and Roger D. Peng. Chapman; Hall/CRC. http://www.crcpress.com/product/isbn/9781466561595/.
Thank you for your interest in our application for metabolomics data analysis!
If you are looking for information about OWL Stat App you can contact us by email at owlstatapp@owlmetabolomics.com.
OWL is a trading name of
Parque Tecnológico de Bizkaia
Edificio 502 - Planta 0
48160 Derio - Bizkaia - Spain
Phone: +34 94 431 85 40
Fax: +34 94 431 71 40